TBVF may be used for rapid disinfection (isopropanol) of small surfaces.
TBVF is effective against vegetative bacteria (Salmonella typhi,…), dental/medical inventory such as theatre equipment, surfaces in medical practices and hospitals.
TBVF high-risk devices disinfection prevents serious cross infection.
TBVF is free from pork fat.
TBVF is effective against vegetative bacteria (salmonella typhi , ……..).
TBVF is effective against lipid viruses (hepatitis C , hebatitis B , influenza viruses ).
TBVF is effective against fungi.
TBVF Effective against vegetative bacteria (salmonella typhi…..)
TBVF Effective against lipid viruses (hepatitis C, hepatitis B, influenza viruses)
TBVF Effective against Fungi
Use instructions:
Spray surface evenly and to be treated with a clean wipe until it gets wet
Safe handling and storage information
Store in an original closed container or (where applicable) in an approved bulk tank , away from extreme temperatures. Full guidance on the handling and disposal of this product is provided in a separate material safety data sheet.
Available pack sizes
550 ml , 5 lt
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